Mostyn Estates The Gwydir Tables and the Mostyn Estate Sawmill (1664) | Mostyn Estates

The Gwydir Tables and the Mostyn Estate Sawmill (1664)

The Gwydir Tables and the Mostyn Estate Sawmill


The sawmill at Mostyn hall benefits from a strong historical legacy with a number of records demonstrating both the product potential and quality of Mostyn timber. The ancient woodlands on the estate have been well managed for centuries, providing a sustainable timber resource. Timber from vicinity of Mostyn hall has almost certainly been utilised in its building, rebuilding and restorations since its initial construction in medieval times. Additionally, during the 17th century, the woodlands on the estate were forested for the production of wainscot, lathes, boards, stairs and coopery stuff. Trees were gifted for the reparation of numerous parish churches and granted to friends for the construction of various gentry residences.

Similarly, on December 12th 1664 Sir Roger Mostyn the 1st baronet (c.1623-90) wrote to his kinsmen the Wynn family at Gwydir, Llanrwst. As a token of thanks for the noble entertainment he had recently received at Gwydir, Sir Roger sought to provide a gift of wooden tables. Once the measurements had been received an old joiner named Ffoulke was to craft the tables at his own house from timber which Sir Roger was to deliverer from the Mostyn sawmill in Flintshire. Remarkably, Sir Roger insisted that the tables would be finished and delivered to Gwydir in time for Christmas. Given the grandeur of Gwydir at this time it is assumed that these tables would have been of admirable quality.

Mostyn Oak Beam dated 1570

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